
Hack The Earth #9

→ 5 · 6 · 7 · July · 2024 ←

Anti-dystopic resistance actions


Hack The Earth #9

→ 5 · 6 · 7 · July · 2024 ←

Anti-dystopic resistance actions


What is?


Hackeja La Terra (Hack The Earth) is a weekend of talks, workshops, experimentation, debates and some artistic proposals around free culture, transfeminism, activism and community struggles, environmentalism and social transformation where we propose to learn and share knowledge to grow together and to focus our energy on more logical and consequential objectives and actions.

Because we need to share community strategies based on anti-racism and anti-fascisism to combat the rise of the extreme right that only favours the rich; to ask ourselves how make pedagogy with our neighbours and friends, our work colleagues and families; to think about how to alleviate the effects of drought and combat the inequalities generated by restrictions from a ecological perspective; to organise ourselves to counter attacks on our fellow migrants, dissidents, feminists and fighters for the labour rights of all. We want to show our face in Palestine, in Congo, in Sudan there are so many countries that are suffering (being assassinated) for purely capitalist interests.

And, for ending this adventure, **We invite you to celebrate with us the 13th anniversary of Calafou***. We want to celebrate and thank you for so many years in this space that we have built together.

Where it occurs?


Hackeja La Terra Is the main event of Calafou, colònia ecoindustrial postcapitalista, an ancient industrial colony and now a space of technological, social and political innovation placed at Vallbona d'Anoia. Catalunya


How to arrive?


By train from Barcelona Plaça Espanya

  • Take the train R6 or R60 "Igualada". Train timetables FGC R6 o R60.
  • The first train leaves at 5:30am and the last one at 22:00h, arribing to Vallbona d'Anoia at 23.28.
  • You can take a train every hour and lasts 1 hour and 20 min to arribe to Vallbona d'Anoia.
  • Once in Vallbona d'Anoia station, follow the instructions to arrribe to Calafou.
  • Atention: you need a 5 zones tiket for the train.
  • The tikets are only sold in the machines of "Ferrocarrils de la Generalitat de Catalunya" (FGC), not in the subway stations.

Desde Vallbona d'Anoia

  • There is no public transport from Vallbona d'Anoia to Calafou.
  • La ruta per a arribar des de l'estació de tren de Vallbona d'Anoia a Calafou, a peu, monopatí, bici, cotxe o furgoneta és gairebé la mateixa.
  • Cal baixar direcció sud-oest, sortir del poble i passar pel Polígon Industrial la Plana.
  • Quan arribes al polígon hi ha una carretera asfaltada que baixa cap a vall, segueix-la fins al final i creua el va riure.
  • Local people will help you to find the place





Friday 5/7

Afternoon from 17 to 20:30 hs

  • 17:00 Arrival and Welcome

  • 17:30Match (Session 1): Sound gathering where two creators meet on stage, communicate and resolve by means of their own language. By Zona 432

  • 19:00 Debate space "Argentina from below - ultra-right government and fronts of struggle, resistance and organisation". by Lucía i Santi

DINNER 20:30 and dynamic of presentation

  • 22:00 Talk "Futurotopias, labyrinths and holes", by Enriqueta

  • Bar until midnight

Saturday 6/7

Morning from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
  • 10:30 Presentation "Financial networks and contemporary looting mechanisms", by Lu.

  • 12:00 Workshop Visibilisation of the difficulties of the feminist struggle within anarcho-syndicalism", by Vero, Paka i Montse del grup Dones Llibertaries

  • 12:00 to 13:30 Workshop "Fishing for underwater metal treasures with magnets", by Kai. Suitable for children, up to a maximum of 10 places (kit included).

LUNCH 14:30

Afternoon from 16 to 21hs

-16:00 Workshop "Aerial photography in a tethered balloon - kites" by Xose

  • 17:30 - Match (session 2) Zone 432: Smells Concert. Sensitive concert using mainly the sense of smell/hearing.

  • 18:30 "Palestine-Congo" talks:

    "Climate and Palestine: the militarisation of water, the remodelling of the landscape and nature in Palestine as part of Israel's colonial project", by Nijme Berdugo.

    "The sitution at Congo", by Nadia Otshudi

  • 19:30 to 21:00 Workshop "Fones per autodefensa", by Sheila.

DINNER 21:00

Bar until 1:00 on Sunday

Sunday 7/7

Morning from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
  • 10:30 Workshop "Manual therapy techniques (cranial-sacral): learning to listen to the body and accompany it towards the present, releasing tensions and emotions", by Aida

  • 10:30 Workshop/Dynamic "(im)possible futures, future escenarios to gereate narratives of possibility" by Col-lectiu futurs impossibles

-12:00 Presentation "Project Pantube: another internet is possible", by UNA Project

  • 13:00 Workshop "Slingshots for self-defence"

-1 3:00 Presentation-debate: "Immersion in the dream world: a revolutionary path to a new paradigm", by Sisu

LUNCH 14:00

Afternoon from 16 p.m to 20 p.m.

  • 16:00 First aid workshop "Eines per acompanyar a persones que es troben en situació de malestar emocional i risc vital", by Belén and Norma.

  • 17:30 to 19:30 Match (Sessió 3) : Live collective plastic creation guided by sound (with the participation of the public.) Creation of a community mural inspired by music. By Zona 432

DINNER OF TAPAS AND NIGHT OF PARTY: Starts the 13th Calafou's anniversary!

  • 21:30- 22:30 Oníric Cumbia. Cumbia dancing and visuals, by Warmi's VJ-DJs.
  • 22:30 DJs Surprise

During the event

  • Recording of Futurotopies podcast. by Kozzak

How can i participate?

  • You can participate as an attendant to talks and workshops
  • Also you can participate offering some talk or workshop related to the current topic
  • In any case please fill the form before coming






We propose a price that oscillates from 12 to 15€ depending your possibilities


We propose a price that oscillates from 25 to 30€ depending your possibilities


We propose a price that oscillates from 25 to 30€ depending your possibilities

If you really want to come and you have problems with money, write us an email to hackejalaterra [at]

We would appreciate you can pay in cash at you arrival or as a second option by bizum ( we will give you details here)